
yeah, u managed..:) could you send the 'fight club' voc sheet as well? it could be immortalised here..:)

I've just read your message for me here... from the 18th of December :P Well, I don't remember what it was about, but I guess I managed, hm? ;)

"knock, knock" jokes? Actually, I like Daniel's jokes. Read between lines or "why is six angry with seven" :) (but 2nd one is more like riddle ;))

"a propo"? Same expression in English?
The last modification on 28 December 2011, 11:29 pm, by KamilKarm

a propo what have u said to me recently :P,went.html Cottage! This is for u! Your favourites joke :D with no sense and so stupid that so funny :P

Would be great if I understood Rosiewicz singing Russian :) I guess he's making laugh at whole system? Cause if so, they should easy get it...

it makes me think of and one more that makes me think of those things (unfortunately badly synchronised)..

Russians... I wanna party with 'em! Dunno if it can be shown here, but...
"ruska" -.-

to hania: this russian number makes me think of the romanian stuff you told me about a couple of years ago..;)
to ore: i don't know if you've heard but christmas has been cancelled this year due to the apocalypse..;)
to ladybird: i've been thinking about it since i've been there three or four times in the last few years so who knows..;)
to hübert: thanks for the links.. i've watched the films and they're pretty good.. i think i've seen the very same guy before but i might be wrong as well.. i'm going to watch a few more lessons to form an opinion and then i'll tell you..;)

Oh, I have songs on my Russian lessons too :) Today we had this one: (hope your ears won't bleed). Sometimes I even miss "Last Christmas"... ;)

Its time for your Christmas lessons Cottage! :) I remember all the Christmas songs which we were listing and then we had to put correct words in the gaps ;)
The last modification on 11 December 2011, 11:12 pm, by PauLina

Cottage, you asked me, where exactly is that pub. It is in the Kopernika Street. Do you want visit Toruñ? ;)
Next movie
#218 Marcel the Shell with Shoes On
13 March 2025, 3:00 pm
Some people say that my head's too big for my body and I say to them, 'compared to what?'
thanks for the upload.. i've just rediscovered how to get into the voc sheets section and change what's written there.. however, my muse is asleep so i focused on deleting what seemed unnecessary.. it's still part of the process called creation, isn't it?;)
btw, i'd love to ask you a question, ore.. is your french as exquisite as english?;)