
Comment in out guestbook
#301, by cottage (guest), on 17 January 2011, 10:43 pm

and if i tell u that it's on 3rd february, will u make it?

dunno why but i can't access the site with my admin password..??? btw, thank you from a mountain for the future refreshed website.. on saturday mr shock told me that you're starting a band - fingers crossed:) i'm going to buy a guitar soon so...... but on the other hand, i don't think you'd get far if you had me to strum a guitar, guys.. in fact, you'd get nowhere;)

#302, by Kamil (guest), on 16 January 2011, 2:14 am

Dog Day Afternoon seems to be very good movie. I love Al Pacino. Just watched nice trailer with Al in main role. Such a shame I can't see this in CCC ;f

#303, by Kamil (guest), on 14 January 2011, 4:31 pm

As you can see, I'm very lazy person. I promise new website will be done in a few days, next weekend I hope. Sorry ;)

That too big poster thing will be fixed as well ;)

#304, by cottage (guest), on 07 January 2011, 12:11 am

i read something in the morning.. it went: 'we ore who we ore':)

#305, by PauLina (guest), on 05 January 2011, 11:18 am

"kamil, help!!!" you can't live without him ;P "'cause computers prove to be cottage-unfriendly again..." really? I'm not suprised... :P

#306, by Sławek (guest), on 04 January 2011, 6:29 pm

Okey, unless I forget, I'll take it... Walk the line reminds me the song "Hold the line", altough they haven't anything in common...but never mind :D

#307, by cottage (guest), on 04 January 2011, 1:13 am

forgot.. bring a camera, slawek.. yeah, let's immortalise ourselves:)

#308, by cottage (guest), on 04 January 2011, 12:58 pm

i only got back last night.. went away before christmas and disconnected myself from all the things that occupy most of my time such as school, the internet, tv, and even music..

i've just updated the website, but there's sth wrong with it.. kamil, help!!! 'cause computers prove to be cottage-unfriendly again..:) for starters enjoy a few johnny cash numbers..

#309, by Sławek (guest), on 03 January 2011, 9:35 pm

Heeeeeeeeeeellooooo :D Is anybody here? What are we going to see next time, Mr. Cottage?

I think that it is a good idea to put some new photos with all members:P Let the World see how awesome we are :D

#310, by cottage (guest), on 19 December 2010, 9:25 pm

have u seen this?

#311, by cottage (guest), on 11 December 2010, 9:57 am

i already thanked you for the link to yoko's photo.. i still have a feeling that the bloodstained glasses used to be john's but maybe i'm wrong.. however, it never happens to teachers:),1,yoko,artykul.html

#312, by Aden (guest), on 09 December 2010, 9:53 pm

Cottage, are you going? :)

#313, by IdaS256 (guest), on 09 December 2010, 3:45 pm

We had a talk about Lennon.. ;>

#314, by Hania (guest), on 24 November 2010, 12:41 pm

Finally I understand this comic:

(by Au from :)

#315, by cottage (guest), on 12 November 2010, 9:59 am

it's a good point.. i haven't thought about it this way.. pink never escapes his past and can't be thought of as a good man.. but again, it's difficult to recover from all the shit that pink experienced early in life..

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#218 Marcel the Shell with Shoes On

#218 Marcel the Shell with Shoes On

13 March 2025, 3:00 pm

Some people say that my head's too big for my body and I say to them, 'compared to what?'


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