
muchas gracias:)

Heh, well done :) I've just sent you an invitation on Filmweb, my nick is Andoola.

it's all your fault, Ania.. i've spent most of the day adding up films to my filmweb profile..:) i decided to focus on what i like and is for some reason important to me.. uff, i've got tired:)

actually i have a filmweb account, but i use it so often that eventually i forgot that i have it..:) i've just found out that my nick is <baduch>:) what's your nick, Ania?

I hope you know Mr. Daniel, that we (IIIe) have polish lesson on 8.00 tomorrow, so we won't be at your first lesson.

Thanks for the tip Kamil. I supposed it wasn't correct, that's why I didn't use it in my second entry. But I don't understand what did you mean: "make another n-k and facebook"... Filmweb isn't any stupid social networking service... I'd rather say it's a service for film enthusiasts, a great way to find beautiful, unique movies.

By the way, I'm working on 'new fresh' for our website now ;) Some changes are coming soon :)

I have one tip for you Ania. Quite a lot of time ago I also wrote "you" from a capital letter, but that's not correct writing. English people don't use capital letters to show respect to receivers of message.

Yeah... and just make another n-k and facebook... great.

You should set up an account. You can rate there every film you've ever seen and this way suggest the other members, who have similar taste to yours, which films are worth seeing (or which not). And vice versa. I would be interested in your recommendations ;)

no.. why are you asking?

Hi :) I have a question to Mr. Cottage. Do You have a Filmweb account?

I've seen this link. People who organise such events are amazing ;)
Flashmobs and other kind of stuff like this, nice to watch and participate too! See the link, it's only about 5 minutes long.
Btw, have You seen the documentary film i gave you Mr. Daniel? ;> Sorry that I didn't give you the writing, but we came late at night yesterday (today) and there was no time for it. I've overslept to school and i've headache... Anyway have nice time in England, see ya next week!
Next movie
#218 Marcel the Shell with Shoes On
13 March 2025, 3:00 pm
Some people say that my head's too big for my body and I say to them, 'compared to what?'
When I came home I was thinking about recent film 'The Wall'. And I think that this film shows us one part of our spirit, which we never show to other person. All events wich we had gone throught have got a big influcence on us, but we shoud treat them like a lesson not like our defeat. We ought to become stronger not weeker and sicker like this guy in the film. Maybe this film wasn't the greatest I've ever seen, but it was smart and showd us a deep part of our personality.
I know, I've got fast time of reaction ;p , however the film was hard and I needed some time to think about it.