
Comment in out guestbook
#331, by Aleksandra (guest), on 03 October 2010, 8:19 pm

ola??? Ola please;) And buzz off me;P I'm a good driver:)

#332, by cottage (guest), on 02 October 2010, 9:35 am

u should've written: 'i wish i could be there', u ginger-haired university student..:)

it's simple.. ask ola to give u a lift.. she's a supersonic driver..:)

#333, by PauLina (guest), on 01 October 2010, 10:45 pm

I wish I'll be there... :(

#334, by ROlka (guest), on 19 September 2010, 11:37 am

I wanna next movie, this time with me :(

#335, by PauLina (guest), on 07 September 2010, 7:55 pm

what about next movie ;>?

#336, by cottage (guest), on 01 June 2010, 11:41 pm

thanks.. i'm about to put a copy of 'beavis and butt-head' into my bag in order to leave it with ben tomorrow in order to make it available for you to watch it anytime you wish, ufff.. a long sentence.. there's plenty of stuff to be discovered in the script and, for some reason:), it's far easier to remember the stuff from the movie than the things at school.. the context matters, i suppose..:) it's one of those films i love watching every now and then.. why? i'd be grateful if you could help me answer the question as after seeing it some many times during a span of over ten years i'm still not sure.. another long one, ufff..

#337, by Edyta (guest), on 30 May 2010, 2:30 pm

hit the head - going to the bathroom

holed up! - to hide

lactose-intolerant - nie tolerujący laktozy ;p

portapotties - TOI TOI (?)

I don't know what other expressions mean, hope i'm going to find out soon :)

#338, by Edyta (guest), on 29 May 2010, 2:34 pm

Beavis and Butt-head

#339, by Kamil (guest), on 28 May 2010, 10:37 pm

I forgot the title and can't change the thing 'next movie' ;P

#340, by PauLina (guest), on 25 May 2010, 10:59 pm

Ekhym.... what about next movie?

#341, by Alexxxandra :D (guest), on 23 March 2010, 9:15 pm

I'm with you PauLina;) But I want to 'normal" movie without tears :P

#342, by PauLina (guest), on 18 March 2010, 10:48 pm

Hihi!! Congratulations Kamil!! Now our guestbook is clean :D

Question to the best Cottage in the world :D What about next movie? It'll be before or(e) :P after our matura exams? :P

#343, by Edyta (guest), on 12 February 2010, 1:07 pm

I was wrong about '2 days in Paris'. It's not another sequel, it's completely different story, but very similar to 'before...' in a way. At least actors are the same (but no Ethan Hawke).

#344, by cottage (guest), on 27 January 2010, 10:26 pm

rules and regulations.. check this out:

#345, by cottage (guest), on 21 January 2010, 8:04 pm

in the 80s uma thurman played a blind girl in 'jennifer 8', which is one of my favourite uma's performances.. not a big 'kill bill' fan myself..

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Next movie

#218 Marcel the Shell with Shoes On

#218 Marcel the Shell with Shoes On

13 March 2025, 3:00 pm

Some people say that my head's too big for my body and I say to them, 'compared to what?'


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