
Yup, you're right. No doubt about it, but still...
So I have another idea, maybe we could make a sub-forum at ?

Let me answer your first question about website structure. It is possible, there's no problem to create that, but I'm not sure that it is needed.
I think it won't work, because we've got the gallery, we've got news with information about next movies and we've got another thing for vocabulary sheets as you can see now. I'm not sure... I have to think whether it is good idea. Above all I'd have to talk with Daniel about that ;)

I failed a bit, becouse I added an post and couldn't write about film in one piece :-P
Before giving opinion about film i want to ask if the film was based on real facts?
In my opinion, the main character exaggerated in many situations. He was like comedy junkie, who can't stop doing 'funny' thing which sometimes were just stupid. For example the time when he said his family that he's going to die and in fact, he organized his own funeral...
He wanted to be funny and make laugh his public. An example which i've shown didn't make people laugh, he only hurted his friends and family. But maybe it wasn't him at the end of the film? Maybe i did wrong establishment?
Anyway, the question from me:
is the shocking people and fact that they hated him was his plan and he wanted it when he was child? Was it good, if he started reading "Gatsby" instead of being, let me think... polite and amusing for people who IN FACT PAID for watching him? There was more moment when he was just rude.
At a summary: film was good, as you said it made my brain thinking about his behaviour. A good film to (polecić :-P) watch.

Yo there ;<
While trying think about what to write here i got an idea about site build. Would it be possible to create an list of films(as a sub-site (zakładka, podstrona in polish :-p) we had already seen and where we could add comments about it, you could add there vocabulary sheet, photos.
It's just weird for me, that we speak about films in Guestbook. Anyway...

hi everybody.. thanks for coming and watching 'all or nothing' today.. i'm really glad about the debate that took place after the film.. hope there'll be more of them in the future.. the first chance u get tomorrow as on the agenda there's stanley kubrick's 'the shining'.. u don't have to put your names on any lists - just come.. c u in the tv room on wednesday at 9am..


suicide is a difficult topic to deal with.. on the one hand, you think you should've noticed signs and done something.. on the other hand, even if you can sense that there's something bad cooking how to help? if you think about addictions, the story's somehow similar..

doing the same things again and again enriches but also dulls.. as experience makes you wise, people start noticing things that have been taken for granted so far for so long.. or it's as if suddenly you happen to understand what's truly (un)important.. you know, some kind of enlightenment.. i'm sure that if you watch the concert again in a few years' time, you'll discover new things in it.. to my mind, nirvana's unplugged is like some books that should be read every now and then.. thought-provoking and very emotional..
ps. sorry for all the cliches above..

I just think that you couldn't possibly see that something was wrong with him on this performance. You should see Nirvana concert Live and Loud (13th December 1993). The concert that we've seen was light comparing to this one. On this concert he looks stoned and insane. You can see that sth is wrong before he spit on the camera.

You're wrong, I think. Families notice nothing in most cases of suicides. Before suicide happens, families and friends hardly ever see something wrong. After all we could see something in his behaviour (or in eyes, whatever), because people always think "Didn't I see sth in his behaviour?" after suicide...
We cannot see anything before somebody's suicide, but after we can see many things, which we didn't care before, I think.
Family never know about suicide of member of family before it happens. But when it happens, they can notice many problems and see many things, which they didn't see before suicide. So the same way we could see that in Kurt's eyes.

Kurt was typical suicide. What I mean is that everyone were shocked that he commit a suicide. If someone saw that's going to happen someone could do something instead of looking at his madness. I don't think that you could see his depression only by watching this concert, especially when even his friends haven't seen enything strange in his behaviour (using drugs for them was normal I guess).
What I love about Kurt is that he is ironic. Only because person uses irony doesn't mean that he is going to kill himself.
I missed so many english classes. I only hope that Ross won't complain ;D

Mmmm :D I love Johnny Depp :D He's my favourite actor :D So this movie MUST be on Thursday, because I'll (Maciek and Ewelina too) have 1,5h in PON from 1st December... Pleeeeeeeaaaase!!!
Or we can start watching at 6.20 pm :P Please!
But I prefer Thursday...

Kurt was mad, i could see it clearly. Sooner or later he would kill himself. But you know theres a theory that it wasnt a suicide? Im not convinced but its possible i think.

and in conclusion, you should see that what Szoku said about Kurt and the rest members of Nirvana... there was a big difference between them...
Next movie
#218 Marcel the Shell with Shoes On
13 March 2025, 3:00 pm
Some people say that my head's too big for my body and I say to them, 'compared to what?'
I have to disappoint you again ;) See that the last entry at '' was on 26th February, 2009... Nobody read that forum, so I think it is unnecessary.